The annual Clays & Praise Classic is Aldersgate's annual fundraising event designed to help bring the local community, Aldersgate supporters, and the Aldersgate associates together with a common interest in clay shooting sports.
Friday, August 24th
We will kick the event off on Friday evening with a dinner and fellowship. Join us starting at 7pm at The Gathering Place at Aldersgate for a hearty dinner and shake hands with fellow competitors and their guests. We will discuss the following day's rules and activities and answer any questions that may arise. Then, get ready for a special presentation from the associates of Aldersgate Enrichment Center as they give you stories, testimonies, and some great entertainment about their experiences on Aldersgate's campus. Finally, keep your tickets handy as we periodically give away some fantastic raffle prizes! You may not win the hunt but you won't go home empty-handed!
Saturday, August 25th
Saturday morning kicks off the real competitions! Shooting events will begin at 8:00am and will be split between two venues: Aldersgate Enrichment Center & Crab's Place. The full event schedule will be posted online as well as displayed at the dinner. The Clays & Praise Classic will feature the following shooting events: 5-Stand, skeet shooting, & Put Out. Teams will consist of 5 members and the cost of entry is $500/team. Put Out will be a "split the pot" style competition and entries will be taken the day of the event. Prizes will be awarded for top gun & top team.